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No. 1 central document was released, and rural logistics express was mentioned again

On February 22, the Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Doing a Good Job in the Key Work of Comprehensively Promoting Rural Revitalization in 2022, namely the No. 1 central document of 2022, was released. This is the 19th No. 1 central document guiding the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" since the 21st century.

The document points out that strengthening the construction of county-level commercial systems. Implement county-level commercial construction actions to promote the expansion and upgrading of rural consumption. Accelerate the layout of rural logistics and express delivery outlets, implement the "express delivery to villages" project, encourage the development of "multi station integration" comprehensive service stations for township passenger, freight, and postal services, as well as "one point and multiple capabilities" comprehensive service points for village level postal services, promote the joint distribution of county-level and rural logistics, and promote the integrated development of rural passenger, freight, and postal services. Support large-scale circulation enterprises to focus on county towns and central towns to sink the supply chain. We will accelerate the implementation of the "Internet plus" project for agricultural products going out of villages and into cities, and promote the establishment of a long-term and stable production and marketing docking relationship. Promote the extension of cold chain logistics service network to rural areas, promote the construction of cold chain logistics facilities for storage and preservation of agricultural product origins throughout the county, and promote cooperation, joint operation, and network support. Support supply and marketing cooperatives in carrying out actions to improve the construction of county-level circulation service networks and build county-level collection and distribution centers.

Implement the "Digital Commerce Revitalizing Agriculture" project and promote the entry of e-commerce into rural areas. Promote the standardized and healthy development of live streaming and sales of agricultural and sideline products. Encourage the development of shared employment and flexible employment through multiple channels, standardize the development of new forms of employment, and cultivate the development of lifestyle service industries such as domestic services, logistics and distribution, and elderly care.



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