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That's how the logistics industry works in 2022! Here comes the focus of the Prime Minister's government work report

At 9:00 am on Saturday, March 5th, the fifth session of the 13th National People's Congress held its opening meeting at the Great Hall of the People.

Premier Li Keqiang, on behalf of the State Council, delivered a government work report to the Fifth Session of the 13th National People's Congress.

Most relevant to the logistics industry

Hot Words and Mention Frequency

3 mentions of 'logistics'

1 mention of 'express delivery'

2 mentions of 'transportation'

2 mentions of 'transportation'

1 mention of 'circulation'

1 mention of 'delivery'

1 mention of 'overseas warehouse'

2 mentions of 'e-commerce'

1 mention of 'international logistics'

1 mention of 'cross-border e-commerce'

1 mention of 'highway'

1 mention of 'port'

1 mention of 'sea freight'

1 mention of 'aviation'

1 mention of 'online and offline'

1 mention of "facilitation of customs clearance"

Three references to "industrial chain supply chain"

Mention 'green' 5 times

3 mentions of 'low-carbon'

Three mentions of 'carbon peak'

1 mention of 'carbon neutrality'

5 mentions of 'infrastructure'

7 mentions of 'tax reduction'

4 mentions of 'cost reduction'

3 mentions of 'digitization'

1 mention of "intelligence"

5 mentions of 'collaboration'

11 mentions of 'high quality'

10 mentions of 'manufacturing'

3 mentions of 'integration'

5 mentions of the 'real economy'

4 mentions of 'service industry'

2 mentions of "supply side"

Mention 'structural' twice

12 mentions of 'numbers'

Three mentions of "rural revitalization"

Three references to the "the Belt and Road"

One mention of the "Yangtze River Economic Belt"

One mention of "Beijing Tianjin Hebei"

One mention of "Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area"

Two mentions of "Hainan Free Trade Port"

One mention of the "Pilot Free Trade Zone"

5 mentions of 'urbanization'

What has the government done to promote the development of the logistics industry in 2021?

Over the past year, in the face of complex and severe domestic and international situations and numerous risks and challenges, the whole country has made joint efforts to coordinate epidemic prevention and control as well as economic and social development. The main goals and tasks of the year have been well completed, and the 14th Five Year Plan has achieved a good start. China has also made new significant achievements in development.

——The economy has maintained recovery and development. The gross domestic product reached 114 trillion yuan, an increase of 8.1%. The national fiscal revenue exceeded 20 trillion yuan, an increase of 10.7%. 12.69 million new urban jobs were created, with an average unemployment rate of 5.1% in urban surveys. Consumer prices for residents increased by 0.9%. Basic balance of international payments.

——Further enhancement of innovation capabilities. The national strategic scientific and technological strength is accelerating its growth. Enterprise research and development funds increased by 15.5%. The accelerated integration of digital technology and the real economy.

——The economic structure and regional layout continue to be optimized. The added value of high-tech manufacturing increased by 18.2%, and productive service industries such as information technology services developed rapidly, enhancing the resilience of the industrial chain. The effective implementation of regional development strategy and the solid promotion of new urbanization.

——Reform and opening up continue to deepen. We have launched a series of major reform measures in important areas and key links, and deepened the supply side structural reform. New progress has been made in the reform of "streamlining management and serving". The total number of market entities exceeds 150 million households. The high-quality joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" has been steadily advancing. Promote the effective implementation of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement. The total import and export volume of goods increased by 21.4%, while the actual use of foreign investment maintained growth.

——The living standards of the people have steadily improved. The per capita disposable income of residents increased by 8.1% in real terms. The achievements of poverty alleviation have been consolidated and expanded. Newly started renovation of 56000 old urban residential areas, benefiting nearly ten million households.

——The achievements in epidemic prevention and control continue to be consolidated. Implement normalized prevention and control measures, with a vaccination coverage rate of over 85% throughout the entire process.

China's economy is still in the process of recovery and development after severe impacts such as the sudden outbreak of the epidemic, and there have been many new changes in the domestic and international situation, making it more difficult to maintain stable economic operation.

Promoting the operation of the economy within a reasonable range

Establish a normalized direct access mechanism for fiscal funds, and include 2.8 trillion yuan of central fiscal funds in the direct access scope. Strengthen the supply and price stability of bulk commodities, and focus on solving the problem of tight coal and electricity supply.

Optimize and implement policies to assist enterprises and alleviate difficulties, and consolidate the foundation of economic recovery

Last year, more than 1 trillion yuan in new tax reductions and fee reductions were added, and periodic tax deferrals were also implemented for small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises, coal-fired and heating enterprises. Practice has shown that reducing taxes and fees is a direct and effective way to help enterprises alleviate difficulties. In fact, it is also a way to "release water and fish" and conserve tax sources. Since 2013, the newly added tax market entities have paid 4.76 trillion yuan in taxes last year.

Strengthen transportation guarantees such as railways, highways, aviation, sea freight, and ports. We will increase credit allocation to enterprises in industries severely affected by the epidemic, continue to implement policies for delayed repayment of principal and interest on small and micro enterprise loans, and support credit loans. Large commercial banks will increase their loans to small and micro enterprises by over 40%, and the comprehensive financing costs of enterprises will steadily decrease.

Deepen reform, expand opening up, and continuously improve the business environment

Deeply implement the three-year action of state-owned enterprise reform. Support the healthy development of private enterprises. We have basically completed the reform of decoupling industry associations, chambers of commerce, and administrative agencies.

Deepen practical cooperation in jointly building the "the Belt and Road". We have increased our efforts to stabilize foreign trade and foreign investment, and successfully held major exhibitions such as the China Import and Export Fair, the Canton Fair, the Service Trade Fair, and the First Consumer Expo. Four new comprehensive pilot projects will be launched to expand the opening up of the service industry, and new measures will be taken to open up the Hainan Free Trade Port.

Strengthen innovation leadership and stabilize the industrial chain supply chain

Expand research autonomy. Continue to implement the policy of adding and deducting research and development expenses, and increase the proportion of adding and deducting research and development expenses for manufacturing enterprises to 100%. Strengthen intellectual property protection. Carry out actions to strengthen and supplement key industries. The digital and intelligent transformation of traditional industries is accelerating, while emerging industries maintain a good development momentum.

Promote coordinated development between urban and rural areas, continuously optimize economic layout

Implement regional major strategies and coordinated development strategies, introduce new support measures, and implement a number of major projects. Promote urbanization construction with county towns as important carriers. Strengthen agricultural production, ensure the supply of agricultural materials, and provide one-time subsidies of 20 billion yuan to grain farmers. Promote rural revitalization and identify 160 key counties for national rural revitalization assistance. Implement the five-year action of improving rural living environment.

In 2022, the most relevant logistics personnel

What are the key points of the national economic strategy?

The main expected development goals for this year are: a GDP growth of around 5.5%; More than 11 million new urban jobs have been created, and the urban survey unemployment rate is controlled within 5.5% throughout the year; The increase in consumer prices for residents is around 3%; The growth of residents' income is basically synchronized with economic growth; Ensuring stability and improving quality in import and export, and maintaining basic balance of international payments; Maintain grain production at over 1.3 trillion catties; The ecological environment quality continues to improve, and the emissions of major pollutants continue to decrease.

Strive to stabilize the macroeconomic market and maintain the economic operation within a reasonable range

We must make good use of government investment funds to drive the expansion of effective investment. This year, it is planned to arrange 3.65 trillion yuan of local government special bonds. Strengthen performance orientation, adhere to the principle of "funds follow projects", reasonably expand the scope of use, support subsequent financing of ongoing projects, and start a batch of construction projects that meet the conditions, such as major projects, new infrastructure, and renovation of old public facilities. Private investment accounts for the majority of investment, and it is necessary to leverage the role of major projects and government investment, improve relevant support policies, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of private investment.

The newly added financial resources should be allocated to the grassroots level, mainly for implementing policies to assist enterprises and alleviate difficulties, stabilize employment and ensure people's livelihoods, promote consumption, and expand demand. This year, central government expenditures are scheduled to increase by 3.9%, with central department expenditures continuing to experience negative growth. The central government's transfer payments to local governments increased by approximately 1.5 trillion yuan, with a scale of nearly 9.8 trillion yuan, an increase of 18%, the largest increase in many years.

Promote financial institutions to reduce actual loan interest rates and fees, so that the majority of market entities can feel the improvement in financing convenience and the actual decrease in comprehensive financing costs.

Strive to stabilize market entities and ensure employment, and increase the implementation of macroeconomic policies

Adhere to the combination of phased measures and institutional arrangements, and promote both tax reduction and refund. On the one hand, we will continue to implement tax and fee reduction policies that support manufacturing, small and micro enterprises, and individual businesses, and increase the scope of tax reduction and fee reduction, expanding the scope of application. Periodic exemption from value-added tax for small-scale taxpayers. For the annual taxable income of small and micro enterprises ranging from 1 million to 3 million yuan, corporate income tax will be levied by halving.

Various regions should also take effective measures such as tax and fee reductions into account the actual situation, in accordance with the law, so that the intensity of tax and fee reductions can only increase without decreasing, in order to stabilize market expectations. On the other hand, considering providing cash flow support for enterprises, promoting consumption and investment, and vigorously improving the value-added tax deduction and refund system, a large-scale tax refund will be implemented for the retained tax amount this year. Prioritize the arrangement of small and micro enterprises, and refund all the stock tax credits of small and micro enterprises in a lump sum before the end of June, with the incremental tax credits fully refunded.

We will focus on supporting the manufacturing industry and comprehensively address the issue of tax deductions and refunds in industries such as manufacturing, scientific research and technical services, ecological and environmental protection, electricity and gas, and transportation. The intensity of value-added tax retention, offset, and refund has been significantly increased to effectively boost market confidence. It is expected that the annual tax refund and reduction will be approximately 2.5 trillion yuan, of which approximately 1.5 trillion yuan will be retained for tax refund. All tax refund funds will be directly directed to the enterprise.

Guide large platform enterprises to reduce fees and reduce the burden on small and medium-sized merchants. Further clean up and standardize fees for industry associations, chambers of commerce, intermediary agencies, etc. We need to carry out special rectification actions against illegal fees related to enterprises, establish collaborative governance and joint disciplinary mechanisms, and resolutely investigate and punish arbitrary fees, fines, and assessments. We need to increase efforts to clear up outstanding accounts of small and medium-sized enterprises, standardize the use of commercial acceptance bills, and take the lead in clearing debts by government agencies, public institutions, and state-owned enterprises.

Improve flexible employment social security policies and carry out pilot programs for occupational injury protection in new forms of employment. We will resolutely prevent and correct employment discrimination based on gender and age, and focus on addressing prominent issues that infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of workers. We will use a 100 billion yuan unemployment insurance fund to support job stabilization and training, accelerate the cultivation of urgently needed talents for high-quality development in the manufacturing industry, enable more workers to master their unique skills, and enable a large number of talents to emerge in 360 industries.

Unswervingly deepening reform, greater stimulation of market vitality and endogenous development momentum

Complete the three-year action task of state-owned enterprise reform, accelerate the optimization and structural adjustment of the state-owned economy layout, strengthen the supervision of state-owned assets, promote state-owned enterprises to focus on their main responsibilities, enhance the support and driving capacity of the industrial chain supply chain.

Deeply implement the innovation driven development strategy, consolidate and strengthen the foundation of the real economy

Intensify the implementation of the policy of R&D expense deduction, increase the proportion of deduction for technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises from 75% to 100%, implement tax incentives for enterprises to invest in basic research, improve policies such as accelerated depreciation of equipment and instruments, and income tax incentives for high-tech enterprises. This is equivalent to the state providing large-scale financial support for enterprise innovation.

Enhance the core competitiveness of the manufacturing industry. Promote the stable operation of the industrial economy, strengthen the supply guarantee of raw materials, key components, etc., implement the leading enterprise chain maintenance and stability project, and maintain the safety and stability of the industrial chain supply chain. Guide financial institutions to increase medium - and long-term loans in the manufacturing industry. Launch a batch of industrial foundation reconstruction projects, promote the upgrading of traditional industries, accelerate the development of advanced manufacturing clusters, and implement the national strategic emerging industry cluster project. Promote the construction of a strong quality country and promote the industry to move towards mid to high end.

Build digital information infrastructure, promote the large-scale application of 5G, promote the digital transformation of industries, and develop smart cities and digital villages. Accelerate the development of industrial internet, cultivate and strengthen digital industries such as integrated circuits and artificial intelligence, and enhance the innovation and supply capacity of key software and hardware technologies.

Firmly implement the strategy of expanding domestic demand, promote regional coordinated development and new urbanization

Smooth the circulation of the national economy, connect various links of production, distribution, circulation, and consumption, and enhance the driving force of domestic demand for economic growth.

Promote the deep integration of online and offline consumption, promote the recovery of life service consumption, and develop new forms and models of consumption. Continue to support the consumption of new energy vehicles, and encourage local governments to carry out green and intelligent home appliances in rural areas and trade in old for new. Strengthen the construction of county-level commercial systems, develop rural e-commerce and express logistics distribution. Improve the quality of products and services, strengthen consumer rights protection, focus on adapting to the needs of the masses, and enhance consumer willingness.

Build key water conservancy projects, comprehensive three-dimensional transportation networks, important energy bases and facilities, accelerate the renovation and renovation of urban gas pipelines and other pipeline networks, improve flood control and drainage facilities, and continue to promote the construction of underground comprehensive pipeline corridors. The investment arrangement within the central budget is 640 billion yuan.

Promote the coordinated development of the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region, the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the construction of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin, the construction of the Xiong'an New Area with high standards and quality, and support the construction of Beijing's urban sub center. Promote coordinated development in the East, Central, West, and Northeast regions, and support industrial gradient transfer and regional cooperation.

Vigorously Grasp Agricultural Production and Promote the Comprehensive Revitalization of Rural Areas

Support the development of characteristic industries in poverty-stricken areas, strengthen labor cooperation and vocational skills training, and promote sustained income growth for the poverty-stricken population. Strengthen the national key assistance measures for rural revitalization in counties, provide follow-up support for relocation, deepen cooperation between the east and west, provide targeted assistance, and provide social assistance, and enhance the self-development ability of poverty-stricken areas.

Expanding high-level opening-up to the outside world and promoting stable development of foreign trade and foreign investment

Take multiple measures to stabilize foreign trade. Expand the coverage of export credit insurance for small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises, strengthen export credit support, optimize foreign exchange services, accelerate the progress of export tax refunds, and help foreign trade enterprises stabilize orders and production. Accelerate the development of new forms and models of foreign trade, fully leverage the role of cross-border e-commerce, and support the construction of a number of overseas warehouses. Actively expanding the import of high-quality products and services. Innovate and develop service trade and digital trade, and promote the implementation of the negative list of cross-border service trade. Deepen the reform of customs clearance facilitation, accelerate the construction of the international logistics system, and assist in reducing costs and improving efficiency in foreign trade.

We will solidly promote the construction of the pilot free trade zone and Hainan Free Trade Port, promote reform and innovation in the development zone, improve the development level of the comprehensive bonded zone, and establish comprehensive pilot projects to expand the opening up of the service industry. The open Chinese market will undoubtedly provide more opportunities for enterprises from various countries to develop in China.

High quality co construction of the "the Belt and Road". Adhere to joint consultation, construction, and sharing, consolidate the foundation of connectivity cooperation, and steadily expand new areas of cooperation. Promote the construction of new land sea channels in the western region. Conduct orderly foreign investment cooperation and effectively prevent overseas risks.

The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement has formed the world's largest free trade zone, and it is necessary to support enterprises to make good use of rules such as preferential tariffs and origin accumulation, and expand trade and investment cooperation.

Continuously improving the ecological environment and promoting green and low-carbon development

Orderly promote carbon peaking and carbon neutrality work. Implement the carbon peak action plan. Promote the planning and construction of large-scale wind and solar power bases and their supporting regulatory power sources, and enhance the power grid's ability to absorb renewable energy generation. Promote the research and development, promotion and application of green and low-carbon technologies, build a green manufacturing and service system, and promote energy conservation and carbon reduction in industries such as steel, non-ferrous metals, petrochemical, chemical, and building materials. Resolutely curb the blind development of high energy consumption, high emissions, and low-level projects. Promote the transformation from "dual control" of energy consumption to "dual control" of total and intensity carbon emissions, improve incentive and constraint policies for pollution reduction and carbon reduction, and accelerate the formation of green production and lifestyle.

In terms of national defense and military construction

Accelerate the construction of a modern military logistics system and a modern asset management system for the military, build a modern management system for weapons and equipment, continue to deepen national defense and military reform, strengthen innovation in national defense technology, deeply implement the strategy of strengthening the military with talents in the new era, promote the rule of law and strict governance of the military, and promote high-quality development of the military.

At present, the global epidemic is still ongoing, the global economic recovery momentum is insufficient, commodity prices fluctuate at high levels, and the external environment is becoming more complex, severe, and uncertain. China's economic development is facing triple pressures of demand contraction, supply shock, and weakening expectations. Nevertheless, the long-term fundamentals of China's economy will not change, and sustainable development has multiple favorable conditions. Especially, billions of people have a strong desire to pursue a better life, great potential for entrepreneurship and innovation, and a firm will to overcome difficulties. We have also accumulated rich experience in dealing with major risks and challenges. The Chinese economy will definitely withstand downward pressure and achieve stability and prosperity.



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